Better: Culture & Lit

There are presently no open calls for submissions.


Better accepts submissions in all forms, all genres, all pitches, all ideas, all year long. Send us anything: articles, reviews, interviews, artwork, video, essays, stories, poems, songs, lists, manifestos, tirades, games, your new fashion statement, a detailed photo-catalog of your collection of vintage corkscrews, your pitches for post-apocalyptically marketed breakfast cereals—whatever you're proud of or excited about: We'll consider it. If none of our submission categories seem to fit what you want to do, submit to our "Other" category.

We're particularly interested in considering work that fits into the forms, genres, or subjects listed in the "Wish List" category of our submissions form.

Simultaneous submissions are always acceptable, as long as you let us know if a submission has been taken elsewhere. If you have to withdraw part of your submission (say, a single poem), please add a note to your submission with that information. Better's length guidelines are very loose—see the categories for a ballpark on how much to send—but in general, please be kind to your editors and we will be kind to you: if you send us your novel or feature-length film, we might not be very enthusiastic in our response.

Better: Culture & Lit